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Pajaro Valley Shelter Services

Organization Mission

PVSS provides families with a path to stable, self-sufficient futures through short-term and longer-term housing and supportive services.

In the last three years, PVSS served an average of 232 individuals annually. 79% of PVSS families exited to permanent housing, 53% exited with savings for housing; and 66% of adults exited successfully with employment. We operate a structured, drug- and alcohol-free program within a warm, secure environment.

The Big Idea 2024:
Cabrillo College Student Housing Pilot Project

Our project is a pilot program between PVSS and Cabrillo College offering desperately needed low-cost transitional housing and supportive services for unhoused female students. PVSS will set aside beds, provide supportive case management, and expand housing resources for unhoused female students while streamlining access to Cabrillo College educational opportunities for all PVSS participants.

We request support for unhoused students, as education and training are the keys to successful employment and housing stability.

I don’t know where I would be if it weren’t for this housing opportunity. It’s amazing what PVSS has done for me. It’s truly been a blessing. The workshops are very educational and I’m learning good information.

Anonymous Cabrillo College student